Participate in Science Reporter’s SCIENCE FICTION COMPETITION 2023!



Last date for receiving entries 

30 September 2023


•    Share with us unique, exciting, innovative, futuristic science fiction stories.
•    Stories must be original & unpublished — attach a self-declaration saying that the contribution is original.
•    No submissions written, developed, or assisted by AI tools such as ChatGPT. 
•    Only one entry per entrant. 
•    Stories must be restricted to about 1500-2500 words. 
•    Compose write-ups in 12 pt Times New Roman, single-line spacing in MS Word Format.
•    Give the following details: Name, Address, Age, Class (in case of school student), Professional Affiliation, and Email.
•    Copyright of the write-ups would rest with Science Reporter, CSIR-NIScPR. Science Reporter will not be responsible for any copyright violations.
•    Selected entries will be published in Science Reporter.


Send your entries to